Change windows 'logon' background

Hello friends..... Now i am gooing to tell you something interesting and you can call it as 'windows hack'. In this tutorial, I will describe the way to changing log on screen in windows 7 & XP. Though it's a common trick, yet many among you would be unaware from it, so I'm posting here.tweaks section.Follow these simple steps for changing logon screen in windows 7 & XP:
For Windows 7:
Go to start> run> Type regedit.
In Registry Editor, go to the path HKLM\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Authentication\ LogonUI\ Background.
In right panel, double click on OEMBackground & change its value to 1.
Now go to the path C:\Windows\System32\oobe\Info\Backgrounds.
Copy any JPG file image (high resolution with size atleast 1024x786) in this folder and rename it as BACKGROUNDDEFAULT

Note: File must be in JPG format and with size less than 256KB.
Log off your system and you've done.

For Windows XP:
Go to start> run> Type regedit.
In Registry Editor, go to the path HU\ .DEFAULT\ Control Panel\ Desktop.
In right panel, double click on wallpaper & enter the full path of image.

Note: File must be in BMP format.
That's all.

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